
Saturday, March 22, 2008


Lol I'm still full from dinner and I'm already thinking about breakfast..
but I thinkkk..I wanna make waffles tomorrowww..doesn't it look nice and yummyy..

Lemon waffles with blueberry sauce.. yum!
And then later you'll see another post from me showing what MY waffles turned out like- BURNT. lol touch wood XD

Happy Easter!

Oh yes! Before I forget!
Happy Easter to all of you out there! =)
ehehe. especially those who get HOLIDAYS.. Whilst I sit at home doing homework and reading my english literature book of which I have no idea what 99% of it says. Sighs. Goes through one ear and out the other. Well more of eyes. Don't really use my ears in reading.
No wonder we have 2 eyes then. In one and out the other. Isn't it facinating how much sense life makes. =)

Also another point to make to yourself Kimberley..Never drink coffee right after dinner. 2.40am and I'm still not asleep. Geez.


Day started. Went through english. Went through accounting..and end of college day. =D
Yes. So fortunately on this day Dad had a meeting in Melacca and I was asked to follow with XD
a wonderful opportunity to catch up on my long lost friend: Sleep. Little did I know though..I open my eyes on those rare moments whilst on the journey there..and what's the first thing I notice?
The Car Speed: 150km/hr.
My first reaction: none. I never have first reactions. I was just born slow.
Second reaction..(when it finally gets into my head): O_O" HOLY COW.
Mother's response: (YES. MOM driving. Dad fast asleep soundfully) Why? This is actually slow. (in a calm composed manner)

Thus, conclusion..You're better off not knowing some things. Just go back to sleep.

But before that, right after leaving Taylor's..I did manage to get my book for the stupid ES individual study. Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain. There was a Pay Less Books sale..70% off and all sorts I tried calling them on the way to the Summit. No answer. Eh?
So we got there. Went up. Went down. Asked around. And they all said 'Pay Less Books closed down' ... again EH?!!!
Then finally we stumbled across a whole spread of books on sale. We found it! =D ..except..they didn't have a database. Only way to find the book was to look through EVERY pile. 600+ books. One Kimberley to search. Impossible.
Thus, I resulted in going to MPH. And to my luck, they had a database.
They searched the book and they had a copy! RM8.50! And I'm like "WOAH! Okay! I'll take it!!"
....then the book came. Perfect Condition..but.
Firstly. RECYCLED PAPER. How I HATE recycled paper as books. Looks so cheap. (Sorry Mother Theresa)
Secondly. PLAIN COVER. ...PLAIN. And if plain wasn't enough... GREEN. My most hated colour. Grrr.
Thirdly. SMALL WORDS. How the heck am I going to read it?! And it's CONDENSED. ..however these small words did make the book look I guess that's a positive thing to it.

The Plain Cover. -_-" what joy to even LOOK at the book.
and well. to be honest..I judge a book by its cover.

The itsy bitsy small words.

Thank goodness lunch in Melacca was fantastic though =D
Golden Mansion. A hidden secret in Melacca town that simply serves the best oyster noodle and beef steamboat =D

Mom eating XD

Dad who can't stop doing business.. thank goodness he earns money from doing it =D

Hehe. Couldn't help but take a pic of me too =D

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Love for Viccie.

ahaha!! what a title.  I hope you're impressed Vic! lol but yes i love you for picking our group last to do the Econs presentation about market structures. Whee. Wheee.. an extra week to memorize my wholeeee speech..which has sadly can not exceed 5mins..of which it always does. and of which I always get irritated with myself when it does.

wonder if Puan Nor will ACTUALLY stop me if i exceed 5mins on the day itself. maybe we should sabotage her watch. kill her batteries before she times us :)
And another thing to look forward to. THURSDAY XD whee wheee. holiday :D i sound childish..

Thursday, March 13, 2008

My Stupendous Holiday Day I

My Journey through Pictures
Honestly, I hate writing loads and loads. Especially when I’m not even sure whether half the people read them. So instead. I blog with pictures XD

Adventure Day I
The start to a holiday always begins rough. An “Early morning head start” always seems not to be the easiest task for me to accomplish. What results: Lectures.
My boarding pass =D

At LCCT Airpot all geared up

The view from the plane

The island we thought was Phuket..till we past right by without descending

Dad and Me in the plane =)

Arriving at Phuket airport though, we were greeted by Laguna people.
Next destination: Laguna Holiday Club Phuket Resort on the coast of Bang Tao Beach

Arriving at the lobby of Laguna Holiday Club, well first impressions are everything. And my first impression: Wows.

The Front Lobby

The Pool Cafe - 17th Grill and Bar

Dad relaxing at last

Our Welcome Drinks - don't ask me what it was..I just drank ^^"

Then came the room. Or what I THOUGHT was the room. Turned out to be WAY more than just a room. Kitchenette, dining area, sitting area with sofas which doubles up as another bed, a patio to enjoy bright mornings, together with the master bedroom and a spacious bathroom with a large array of soaps and lotions.

The Sitting Area

Dad taking a photo...which was..

Amazing ain't it.. what touch-ups can do.

The Master Bedroom

The Kitchen Area

The View from the Patio - it's the Golf course btw

Towel designs Thai's actually bother with

Next up: taking the shuttle to the Canal Village and riding the boat across all the hotels admiring the spectacular and breathtaking views and sights.

On the shuttle bus

Houston..we have touchdowned.

Mom typical

@ Jim Thomspon trying on their body lotions and fragrances.
Of which..Dad got scolded for taking photos inside..
they're scared someone copies their designs XD

Exploring the many small shops at the Canal Village, including handicrafts (of which was way overpriced- a bandana for rm20 -_-“) many boutiques, including the famous Jim Thompson, and of course the mini-mart, of which I analyzed each and every item there and compared it with KL prices. I know, how cheap could I get right? But SERIOUSLY! They were selling a packet of Oreos for RM5 =_=”! one box of cereal, like Koko Crunch was RM20! They’re extorting our money! And these stupid kwai-lous…I heard them one of them asking another ‘so how much is this packet of biscuits?’ … “Oh..about 4 pounds? Ain’t that cheap!” ..and it was those small cheap made in Thailand ones! How crazy!

At the ferry terminal of the Canal Village

View of Canal Village from Ferry

Laguna Residences

Laguna Residences II (fyi these cost RM3.2m each)

Some other Residence

Following that however, we adjourned to Sheraton Grande Laguna Phuket. They just renovated apparently; after being hit by the tsunami…><” bad for them…but lovely sights for me now =) they even had a 323m long swimming pool! Lovely lovely!

The view from Sheraton Grande- not too sure what it was though.

The shops at Sheraton's Beach- there goes mom off again on another shopping journey..

The Restaurant on Sheraton's Beach - Thai food at not SO crazy prices..but still higher than normal. Nonetheless.. Yummm. Tom Yum.

Me ordering...everyone knows how picky I can be..

Even after ordering..we still read the menu to see what sounds delicious XD

Mom disgusted at how much I'm always staring at the camera..

Me at the sea just before the food arrives. Can't afford to waste any precious time..

Mom attacking the food =D

Last but not least… who could not resist watching the sunset? It’s simply a MUST-DO in Phuket =)

Just before the sun goes down...

My superb feet. Look how they illuminate =D

Right before the sun went down...

A breathtakingly romantic sight.

Next up...trying to find our way back to the front lobby to catch another "tuk-tuk" home.

The view of one of the villas in Sheraton

We walk and walk..yet it's like a maze

One of the ponds in the courtyard we stumbled upon

The Beautiful sights of Puket...well more of the Residences =.=" but still it's pretty!

Serious Work

Today was our meeting for the Econs Assignment on Markets in Practice. Serious work. No fooling around..or so we planned.
How quickly things turn around when you're having fun with the people you love.
Having arranged to meet at 10 at KLCC, not much to my surprise I only arrived at 10.30 =)
fashionably usual *no I do not intentionally plan it fyi*
Ironically though, Chilis only opens up at yes bumming around for half an hr going into Billabong and roaming aimlessly waiting for them to turn their sign around till it says "Welcome, Let Me Seat You"

As time passed, as famished as we were, we indulged in a vast array of tostida chips w/ salsa..of which was bottomless. So yes, not just quite a bit was indulged. What more, the waiter kept asking.."would you like me to get you another serving?" ..and well it's only polite to accept ain't it! =D
  Our Lovely Tostida Chips

Ah yes, and can't forget the stupendous fruit juice =) Four cups..or was it five. Surely worth the money paid!
But yes. While I was bumming my ass off..look what these 3 smart pple are doing.. Sighs.


But yes we had fun later, that's for sure.


   the rest are on facebook on my profile btw =)