
Friday, June 27, 2008

Just Plain Facts =)

a TAG by vic XD lol. this' actually the first time i'm ever doing this.. fyi, YES i actually have rejected all these tests on friendster/facebook/emails before XD found them such a waste of time. but boy, guess I've changed..

1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.

Starting time: 8:50 pm

Name: Kimberley. With 2 E's.

Sisters: None.

Brothers: One. Elder. Joo Ken.

Shoe size: Considerably decent in Europe, but Strangely Gigantic for Asian Standards

Height: Ditto of above. 167cm. Yet, I wish I was taller. No offense at all Vic ^^"

Where do you live: Earth, The Universe, Solar System.

Favourite drinks: Vanilla Milkshake. Those thick ones with LOADS of ice-cream. With a dash of caramel. Yum.

Favourite breakfast: A 5* Hotel Buffet Breakfast. With Pancakes with berry compote on the side.

Have you ever been on a plane: Yes.

Swam in the ocean: Yes. Well, sea. same thing I think.

Fallen asleep in school: Yes. Not just once.

Broken someone's heart: Something you shouldn't know.

Saved e-mails: Fewer than unread ones.

What is your room like: Blue. Messy. Books.

What's right beside you: Misery.

What is the last thing you ate: Coffee Almond Chocolate Bun With Cappucino Cream. I want more.

Ever had
chicken pox: Yes. Sadly, out of all places, the scar's on my face -_-"

Sore throat: Especially the days I talk like crazy. Think God punishes me in that sense.

Stitches: Yes. On my head. So many, my parents said I had a spider on my head. Jumping on bed. Super Super long story.

Broken nose: No. But I have a permanent bump from running into a guy. Literally.

Do you believe in love at first sight: Yes. Because I fell in love with Lampard at first sight =D

Like picnics: Depends on the area. Mosquitos= no.

Who was the last person you danced with: I seriously cannot remember.

Last made you smile: My mother.

You last yelled at: Can't remember. Must've been ages ago.

Today did you:
Talk to someone you like: Yes. Myself , my dog.

Kissed anyone: No.

Get sick: Yes. Somehow I'm always sick.

Talked to an ex: No.

Miss someone: Yes. My brother, my best friends, my bestest friend.

Best feeling in the world: Eating gelato on a hot summer day.

Do you sleep with stuffed animals: How else can you sleep? I love my Patrick =D

What's under your bed: All my regrets.

Who do you really hate: Lampard's girlfriend. No, he's not married to her yet.

What time is it now: 9.12pm.

Randoms :
Q:Is there a person who is on your mind right now:
Vic. Cos it was on her blog, that I decided to do this..which is taking ages.

Q: Do you have any siblings:
... Ditto of what Vic said-"Look up mate."

Q: Do you want children:
Yes. A girl and a boy whom'd love and adore me =D lol

Q: Do you smile often:
Too often. It's sad cos I can't help it.

Q: Do you like your hand-writing:
Depends whether I'm in a happy mood.

Q: Are your toenails painted:

Q: Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in:
My parents. And the Westin Heavenly bed.

Q: What colour shirt are you wearing:
Black. They say Black's slimming.

Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday:
My memory can't stretch that far back.

Q: I can't wait till:
SAM ends, and I can live a life again vegetating whole day.

Q: When did you cry last:
Some time back when my mom criticised everything I did.

Q: Are you a friendly person:
Ask my friends.

Q: Do you have any pets:
Yes. 4 adorable dogs. Yet one's super obese.

Where is the person you have feelings for right now?
Somewhere on earth.

Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?
It was my mom. And I love my mom.

Do you sleep with the TV on?
If I fall asleep watching it.

What are you doing right before starting this tag?
Watching Nigella Bites, which made me hungry now.

Have you ever crawled through a window?
Never could fit in one.

Are you closer to your mother or father?
Depends who's more generous that day; depends whether my mom's PMSing.

Who was the last person you cried in front of?

How many people can you say you've really loved?
Too many. They look too drop dead gorgeous for me to not love them.

Do you eat healthy?
I try. But sensational ice-cream, scrumptious cakes and decadent desserts gets the better of me.

Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?

Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?
Yes. I know, I take certain things hard. Esp if you mean a lot to me.

How often do you go to church?
Never. And I never will.

If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?
My fridge. Then my brother, then my mom.

Are you loud or quiet most of the time?
Depends how tired I am.

Are you confident?
Depends where and who I'm with.

5 things I'm going to do 10 years to come..
Confess my undying love for Lampard, Go on an all-out Euro trip, being wild, Try to save the world, then realise that it's no use trying.

5 things on my to-do list today
Economics. Psychology. Call Rina. Procrastinate. Sleep.

5 snacks I enjoy
Ice-cream as you've prolly guessed, chocolate almonds, chocolate strawberries, nyonya kuih, vanilla thickshake, twix bars, bounty bars..the list never ends actually.

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
Shop. Shop. Splurge. Dive into money like Scrooge. Meet Lampard and Chase Crawford.

5 of my bad habits
I'm stunningly perfect.
I love looking at myself at times.
I know you love me too much.
I talk too loud when I'm overly exuberant sometimes.
I smile and blush too much until I turn RED.

5 places I have lived in
Malaysia. Australia, yet I don't remember cos I was too small -_-"

5 jobs I've had
A student, An assistant, A bitch, An "elder" sister, A best friend.