
Saturday, April 26, 2008

An Evening with Curtis Stone

Though I was meant to publish this ..AGES ago.
Oh gosh. Thinking about it still makes me feel so hyper XD lol
but yessss.. ehehe. He makes me blush =p
But really that night was soooooooo goood. Well, though we only got in at 8, though it said to BE THERE at 7. And Curtis only appeared at 8.30, still. Ah~ bliss.
He's SOO cute in real life. And NO rina, he doesn't touch up his face on screen! He looks exactly the fact he even looks CUTER in real life come to think about it. But then still same cute face. Same cute smile, same cute body. *Starts to drool*
He demonstrated how to cook crab meat pasta, well it was some type of pasta that was being served with chicken to us for our dinner, and though we didn't get to TRY try what he cooked on the spot; the heavenly smells alone were enough to leave you wanting more (both of him and the food).

Oh!!! And I even got to HUG him! *smiles exuberantly* Sadly, Dad didn't take the photo cos he was looking through his other photos..but yeah! =D made my century.

Me and Mom at the start

Registration/Waiting Area

If only I could take home the backdrop..

The Tantalizing menu which he set out

And now..presenting..Curtis Stonee himself

Curtis and MC Sonia. She makes me want to be a MC myself.

Followed by his demonstration of pasta with crabmeat~

Aren't his hands just so soft and smooth..

Inside the pan of which the heavenly aromas arise from
(either than him of course)

Curtis dancing away with the saucepan

So up close..yet all I get was his back. And I asked him a question myself, "What's the most embarassing thing you've ever done?" Ehehe. So cheeky. But SADLY, unlike all the OTHER people who asked him questions, he WALKED away from go back to the center of the stage! Broke my heart. He wanted to act out what happened to him and needed the stage area. Sighs. But FIRST step to being noticed accomplished =)

D is for Delicious:

Salad of Grilled Portobello Mushrooms topped with
Ricotta and Semi Dried Tomatoes

Skewered Shrimps Marinated with
Garlic, Olive Oil and Lemon

Homemade Tagliatelle with Tomatoes
and Roasted Chicken Breast

Chocolate Cheese Cake

Me being a pig enjoying scruptious chocolates

Come the best part- AUTOGRAPH sessions =D

Anxiously waiting in line

Picture Perfect Polaroid

And look how he autographed others' books! Notice he's NOT smiling as much! Maybe he's tired after writing the same message a hundred+ times, but I like to think otherwise =D and then I noticed, as I approached, suddenly he began hugging-ish everyone! And I was like 'Oooh! He's hinting something!!' XD A girl can only dream right?

A picture's worth a thousand words. His smile's worth a million. One of the nights that's implanted in my memory forever, it truly was a sensational night. One definitely to remember.


Anonymous said...

AHAHAH! OH WOWS! sounds like you had an AMAZING time!^^,

but i have one query:

'And NO rina, he doesn't touch up his face on screen!'

...=__=" my darling...NO ONE can look tht good in real life...except maybe you...but thts not the point ^^"

Anonymous said...

I am so full of NV la

("NV" = envy XD)

you go, gurl !!!